Choose Paysera only with Weenax!
In order to get all benefits you need to:
How to open the Paysera personal account with Weenax?
1. Download the Paysera Mobile App.
Attention! If you need a corporate account, perform firstly all identification actions of the personal account and only then open the corporate one.
2. Click “Create an account”, enter your phone number and set a password, agree to the terms of the system.
3. Confirm the phone number with a 6-digit code sent via SMS message. Set a login pin code.
4. At this stage, the system will ask you to confirm your identity by uploading documents. You can skip this step, however, in this case, many of the account features will not be available to you. You can also complete the identification procedure in the Paysera website.
Registration at the Paysera payment system is completed. Now you need only to send an application in order to join the Weenax program on website.
After the identity verification, you can start using the services, make deposits and enjoy the benefits from Weenax.
Benefit from Weenax!
Fill out an application form below!
You need to:
1st step
2d step
Send a request (field on the right) with the information about your new Paysera account to use the full package of services from Weenax.