NETELLER Cryptocurrency

You can buy and sell cryptocurrencies

within your NETELLER account, and also:

  • exchange 28 currencies for more than 40 cryptocurrencies;
  • enjoy an easier process than at the regular exchange platform;
  • execute a one-click transaction;
  • get an additional income.
  • Make money with NETELLER buying and selling cryptocurrencies!

    28 NETELLER official currencies

    The minimum amount is €10 or the equivalent in the wallet’s currency, while the maximum is limited by the level of your account.

    40 cryptocurrencies, including:








    As well as trading pairs with bitcoin for various



    You can buy cryptocurrencies using your wallet with multiple options of funding it in different countries.


    You can earn money while trading crypto if you buy it for minimal price and sell it on maximum level


    You can make cryptocurrency transactions whenever you want: from your computer at home or any other place, or from your smartphone that has the App.


    As soon as you click the confirmation button, there is no delay as the transaction is done instantly at the current price.

    NETELLER fees

    NETELLER Standard
    Gold or higher
    Buy or sell crypto
    Crypto P2P

    How to use the Cryptocurrency Service

    If you have not registered yet, create NETELLER account.  

    Here you can find currency exchange, rates, fees tables, cryptocurrency price chart: per hour, per day, per week and per month.

    Choose the currency of your wallet and the cryptocurrency you want to buy (or vice versa, if you want to sell). Enter the amount to exchange and you will see the amount in cryptocurrency on your screen as well as the fee.

    Click “Consult Cryptocurrency Terms of Use and Risk Statement”.

    Major risks are listed in this window. Click “I accept”.

    If you want to know more about the legal aspects of operating NETELLER Cryptocurrency Service, please read Cryptocurrency Terms of Use and Cryptocurrency Risk statement.

    As a result of the transaction, you will see a summary with the transaction ID, date, spent and purchased funds, exchange rate and the fee. Here you can also see the transaction history.

    Your cryptocurrency balance is displayed when you hover over the “Available Balance” section above the menu.

    What do you need to know about the NETELLER Cryptocurrency Service?

    In the fall of 2021 it became possible to withdraw cryptocurrencies from NETELLER to Bitcoin or Ethereum wallets. To do this, you can first convert fiat. Available only in some countries.

    NETELLER is licensed and regulated by the Irish Central Bank. However, these rules cannot be applied to Cryptocurrency Service. In addition, a third party does not technically provide cryptocurrency transactions. If you have any controversial issues while using any cryptocurrency service, you will not be able to file a complaint to the regulator.

    Please note: NETELLER does not create a separate Cryptocurrency Wallet for you. Purchased funds are simply assigned to your account. You can check the status of your Cryptocurrency Account in the “Available Balance” section at the top of the Wallet Menu.

    NETELLER is not responsible for your decisions regarding when it is profitable to buy and sell the cryptocurrency you have. Do not forget that any cryptocurrency value is highly volatile and there is always a risk of losing your investments. Cryptocurrency transactions should be made with caution assessing the risks carefully.

    The service offered by NETELLER is excellent for speculating on the cryptocurrency price: buying as cheap as possible, and selling as high as possible. Unlike the Skrill Cryptocurrency Service, there is no buy/sell Automated Order as well as notifications about the price changes. All data must be monitored manually with a more careful approach.

    This service has been created for buying and selling only, and therefore you cannot:

    – spend it using your card;

    – upload the NETELLER merchant account.

    But there is an opportunity to make cryptocurrency transfers to other NETELLER users inside the platform with 0,5% commission.

    No regulation: In Europe, there is no special regulation for cryptocurrency transactions. Clients are not as protected as making transactions with electronic money now.

    Be aware of financial risks as a loss of investments is possible: Buying cryptocurrencies can result in a loss of investments. Unlike ordinary currencies which are protected by the country’s economic and financial institutions and their regulations, the cryptocurrency market is regulated almost nowhere in the world and their prices depend on demand and news.

    High volatility is a characteristic sign of any cryptocurrency: There are pros and cons. For example, just track the Bitcoin changes during the day: it makes big jumps up and down even for such a small period. In addition, the cryptocurrency market reacts instantly to bad news and is still not fully protected from scammers and hackers.

    Crypto-Service is not provided by NETELLER: The name of the company that handles the Cryptocurrency Service transactions has not been disclosed but NETELLER warns that problems may arise not on their platform, but outside of it.

    The legality of cryptocurrency is not fixed by law: Particularly, there is no law formalizing the legitimacy of cryptocurrency in a lot of countries. The authorities sometimes express ideas to prohibit the cryptocurrency market.

    Register with Weenax to get high quality support and fast verification!

    You need to:

    2nd step

    Send a request (using the field on the right) with information about your new NETELLER account to use the full package of services from Weenax.

    Fill out an application:

    Форма Neteller en

    • NETELLER email*:
    • Contact
    • Partner code:
    • You message:
    • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.